Friday, December 5, 2014

Thanksgiving Football
 The Norton Lancer squared off with the Bellingham Blackhawks at Bellingham. This was quite the game to say the least. When  the lancers showed up to the field we were shocked to see a snow covered field. There was a solid 2 to 3 inches of snow on the field. None of us expected that because there was no snow on our home field.
   The lancers came out strong and stuffed Bellingham on its opening drive. The lancers then got a little drive going but had to eventually punt. The score remained 0 0 until the second quarter when the lancers punched in some points. The lancers were able to go into the second half with a solid lead and we're able to add to the lead.
Ireland ended the game with 3 touchdowns and 220 rushing yards while Ledbetter Eberle and Fenney all put in touchdowns and had stellar games.
   The lancers were able to win the 8th straight Thanksgiving game. They were able to do it in convincing fashion too. At the end of the game the offensive player of the game was Justin Ireland and the defensive player of the game named was Luke Kane.  The introduced captains for the next season are Luke Kane Justin Ireland Jack Ledbetter John Weeks and Jake Eberle.

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