Thursday, December 18, 2014

Should Athletes Be Held To Higher Standards?

  Should collegiate and professional athletes be held to high everyday standards compared to an everyday person? It is portrayed to be a privelage to be an athlete and its expected that you act in a high class manor. Not only is it an expectation of your team and coaches that you will act in an appropriate manor but society has come to expect athletes act accordingly.
    Recently athletes have been getting a bad reputation for acting like laws and regular standard dont apply to them. Athletes have been acting as if they are untouchable or as if they are standing on a pedastal. They seem to think that their actions wont have consequences. This raises the questions should athletes be expected to behave or should they be treated as any other person. Should there actions be broadcasted  if they do a simple wrongdoing. Should they be punished as a regular person or should they be more heavily punished. 
    Some college athletes thats behavior that has came to be more of a spotlight than their on field actions include Jameis Winston and when Johnny Manziel  was in college. They have both faced legal problems while playing football. Manziel was accused of signing autographs for money which is against NCAA rules. Winston has been accused of sexual assault. Also he has been in trouble for making derogatory statements towards women. Both athletes seem to have an attitude as if they are larger than life and that the rules and standards dont apply to them.
   Some profesional athletes that have recently done things that have brought negative attention include Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, Aaron Hernandez, Ben Roethlisberger,Mike Vick and Josh Gordon. Ray Rice was just seen on video tape punching his girlfriend in the face in an elavator. Adrian Peterson was accused of beating his son with a tree branch. Aaron Hernandez is being tried for multiple murders. Big Ben was accused of sexual assault. Mike Vick went to jail for fog fighting. Josh Gordon was suspended for Using drugs.
   Should we hold these people more accountable for their actions? Should there punishments be harsher. Should these actions be handled as if they were an average person? What makes these people different?
   My opinion is that as a high class athlete you should act as if the spotlight is always on you. You are a well known person. You shouldnt do anything that would make yourself, your team/ coaches or sport bad. You owe it to yourself and team to behave appropriately because being an athlete is a privilege. Yes athletes are humans too so they cant be expected to be perfect. It can be expected that athletes will make mistakes and bad decisions at times. However the indivusal athlete should realize what they are doing and know that their actions will be broadcasted much more than an average persons would. With that being said athletes should hold themselves to a higher standard because you wouldnt want to damage your own image or the image of your team.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Great Outlook for Norton Track
The Norton Lancer track team is looking really nice this year. We brought back a lot of talent. This year we have a really stacked sprinting team. We gained a very fast athlete in the for of Abu Ceesay. Abu is probably the fastest high school athlete I have ever seen. Other sprinters include Justin Ireland, Adam Winiarz, Andrew Ranieri, Camden Cleathero and Dan Salvo. It can be expected to see some very fast times and most likely records being set. We have especially high expectations for the 4x200 relay. We hope to win 1st in states and move on to all states and see what happens from there. Leading our mid and distance squad is captain Mike Tierney who always brings his A game and is willing to leave it all the there. Behind him is sophomore Joey Annand who puts a lot on the table. Other noteable athletes include cam stalters in the hurdles and shot chris wrenn in distance running, Sean cap in distance elliot ariola in the hurdles and much much more. 
   The lancers had a great year last year winning the tvl championship meet for the first time indoors and going undefeated.  The spring team won d4 state relays which is a huge accomplishment. A very stand out athlete was Kevin oleary who came in first at New England's in the javelin.  This year the lancers look to add to the list of accomplishments. Expect great things from the track team this season.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thanksgiving Football
 The Norton Lancer squared off with the Bellingham Blackhawks at Bellingham. This was quite the game to say the least. When  the lancers showed up to the field we were shocked to see a snow covered field. There was a solid 2 to 3 inches of snow on the field. None of us expected that because there was no snow on our home field.
   The lancers came out strong and stuffed Bellingham on its opening drive. The lancers then got a little drive going but had to eventually punt. The score remained 0 0 until the second quarter when the lancers punched in some points. The lancers were able to go into the second half with a solid lead and we're able to add to the lead.
Ireland ended the game with 3 touchdowns and 220 rushing yards while Ledbetter Eberle and Fenney all put in touchdowns and had stellar games.
   The lancers were able to win the 8th straight Thanksgiving game. They were able to do it in convincing fashion too. At the end of the game the offensive player of the game was Justin Ireland and the defensive player of the game named was Luke Kane.  The introduced captains for the next season are Luke Kane Justin Ireland Jack Ledbetter John Weeks and Jake Eberle.