Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Sudden Turnaround

   The Norton Lancers finally woke up and came to play some football! After a disappointing and rough beginning to the season the lancers are on a strong 3 game win streak. The Lancers had a very rough start losing all of its regular season games up until Bellingham where the lancers pulled out a huge win. After the Bellingham victory the lancers fell to the ashland Clockers in a very close battle and only lost by 1 point. The loss to Ashland sealed the deal on the teams playoff hopes and hopes of being the TVL champions.
   The team came together and set a goal to win out the last 4 games of the season and salvage a respectable season. The lancers came into the first game of the loser bracket playoffs against Dedham and layed down and absolute beating. The lancers hit on all cylinders and demolished Dedham and we were able to get our JV players in the game in the 3rd quarter.
The next game was against Coyle and the lancers were very confident going into the game. The lancers had a chip on out shoulders for this game leading us to be extremely fired up for this game. The lancers absolutely demolished Coyle as well. Running only 1 offensive play in the 1st quarter the lancers were already up 16 to 3. Both a special teams kick return touchdown and a pic 6 and converting both 2 point conversions allowed the lancers to have such a big lead. The beating didn't end there though the lancers continued to pile on the points and for a second game in a row were able to get the JV players a shot to play under the lights.
   The next game was against Wareham and that game was also a blow out. it was basically the same deal as the last 2 games. The lancers were doing everything right and playing some good football.
   Now the lancers are preparing for the annual thanksgiving game vs the Bellingham Blackhawks. Norton has won for the past 7 years and look to ride the momentum into the game and pull out a solid win to end the season with a 5 win 6 loss season. That would end the season on a good note winning the last 4 games of the season.